Although API calls are not discussed in this module, the functionality of the API calls themselves ARE discussed. In this case, executing an SQL statement is a reasonable action which an embedded SQL system should support. Although API calls are not discussed in this module, the functionality of the API calls themselves ARE discussed. In this case, connecting to the database is a reasonable action which an embedded SQL system should support. Although API calls are not discussed in this module, the functionality of the API calls themselves ARE discussed. In this case, binding a variable to a column is a reasonable action which an embedded SQL system should support. It is then possible using other API calls to "single-step" through all the rows in the table bound to until the entire table has been accessed. Although API calls are not discussed in this module, the functionality of the API calls themselves ARE discussed. In this case, binding a variable to a row is NOT reasonable action which an embedded SQL system should support. Normally we bind to a column, and then the API calls are used to "single-step" through all the rows in the table bound to until the entire table has been accessed. Binding to a row is difficult, as we do not know in advance how many rows are in the table... Although API calls are not discussed in this module, the functionality of the API calls themselves ARE discussed. In this case, counting rows is a reasonable action which an embedded SQL system should support. Most of the following are API calls defined in a particular database curson system. Select the least plausible call.